Empathic Leadership

PHCC - Staff Awards
August 5, 2021
By Michael Copp, Executive Vice President

I have a habit of reading a management book and then alternating with a book about my other interests.  This practice has helped me try to stay on top of latest best practices as a steward of this organization and our team.  I also check out TED Talks and other presentations as a way to give myself a personal kick-in-the-butt whilst striving to be a better leader.  Admittedly I am human and I get it wrong more than I get it right, and hence, I use a stand-up desk most of the time. 😊 But my decision-making priority is always about my team first.

I liked this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJyNoJCAuzA  that provided a good reminder about empathy and as Tom Morris (1997) wrote in his book, If Aristotle Ran General Motors, “Neglect of what is genuinely human is the major reason why so many people in American business right now feel more victimized than helped by the latest … companywide processes for improvement.”  (Morris, T. (1997). If Aristotle Ran General Motors, New York: Henry Holt and Company). Our PHCC team is a community with mutual commitment and contribution seeking harmony in what we do.  Tom Morris (1997) described harmony as, “Good people in good working relationships, forming together a good community out of which powerful partnerships can spring.” (Ibid, p. 119)




Morris, T. (1997). If Aristotle Ran General Motors, New York: Henry Holt and Company

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