Bernard Markstein, Ph.D.

President and Chief Economist
Bernard M. Markstein is president and chief economist, Markstein Advisors, an economic consulting company providing analysis and forecasts of the national economy and construction activity. Dr. Markstein’s experience includes analysis and research in residential and nonresidential construction, housing, real estate, financial markets, macroeconomic issues and regional markets.
  • 02.12.24

    Economic Outlook

    2024 Economic Outlook

    A look at the latest economic and employment trends … and how you as plumbing and HVACR contractors can use them to identify where growth will occur and possibly shift your strategies. As plumbing and HVACR contractors face a host of both business challenges and opportunities this year, strategic planning and adaptability will be key factors in your company achieving success. With this report, …

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  • 12.01.22

    Economic Outlook

    2023 Economic Outlook

    The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and the policy response to offset its most serious impact on markets is still affecting the economy. In particular, inflation for much of 2022 ran higher and longer than policymakers expected. This was a result of supply chain problems and a shift in demand to more goods at the expense of demand for services stoked to some extent by the stimulus packages …

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  • 02.16.22

    Economic Outlook

    2022 Economic Outlook

    The economy is moving upward, albeit at a slower rate of growth. How will you respond to continuing issues ... and new opportunities? Even as COVID-19 and its variants remain in charge of the economy, people are adapting, resulting in a shorter and less severe disruption to the economy with each new wave. Overall, the economy has been and continues on an upward trajectory, though the rate of …

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