The National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC)

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The National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC) has been a cornerstone of the plumbing-heating-cooling industry since PHCC created it in 1933.

As of 2017, the NSPC has been moved under the umbrella of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO).

PHCC appreciates the years of work our members have put forth on this code and that work will continue as PHCC members will serve on the IAPMO NSPC Committee.

Ordering Details

The current and previous editions of the NSPC are available through IAPMO’s online store.

Order Your Copy

Special Note:

If you are ordering from the following states, please contact your state bookstore to order:

Maryland:  Phone (410) 461-5977 or email
New Jersey:  Phone (800) 652-7422 or email

Code Interpretations and Additional Assistance

For help interpreting codes or other general requests about NSPC, email