What Changes in Washington Mean for You
(formally 2020 Legislative & Regulatory Wrap-Up)
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
2pm ET
Be informed! Join PHCC’s own Mark Valentini and Chuck White for an update on the new legislative and regulatory landscape in Washington, D.C. and the implications on small business. Mark and Chuck will draw on their expertise to predict the future activities of Congress and the Agencies and describe how PHCC works to be
the contractor member’s voice in Washington.
the contractor member’s voice in Washington.
Presented by:
Mark Valentini is the Director of Legislative Affairs for PHCC—National Association. A politically savvy, results-oriented professional with more than 20 years of experience on Capitol Hill and with several national trade associations, Valentini applies his expertise in public policy, workforce and training, and insurance and tax matters to advocate on behalf of all PHCC members.
Charles “Chuck” R. White serves as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for PHCC—National Association. White works closely with government regulatory bodies, such as the DOE, and serves on a number of councils and coalitions including NSPC, PERC, ABPA and IAPMO as a representative of PHCC’s contractors.
A special thanks to Viega for sponsoring the PHCC Webinar Series.
- 2020 Legislative & Regulatory Wrap-Up$29.00
- 2020 Legislative & Regulatory Wrap-Up$0.00