Apprentice Textbooks and Simulation Training

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The PHCC Educational Foundation offers a complete four-year series of plumbing and HVACR textbooks, software and instructor materials. The curriculum used to develop the plumbing and HVACR textbook series is recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship, for the related instruction portion of an apprentice training program.

Written by contractors, educators, and industry experts for technicians and apprentices, the Foundation’s textbooks deliver practical information needed to meet the workforce training needs of the industry. 

We welcome editorial feedback. If you have found an editorial error in a textbook or test bank (such as misspelling or factual mistake), please use this form to request a formal review.

The Foundation’s four-year plumbing textbook series is in its 2nd edition and offers detailed illustrations, and provides accurate visualizations of structures, technologies, and concepts seen in the field. The textbook series combines theory with practical examples, giving reader the ability to learn why as well as how things work.

The Foundation is transitioning to a new recommended HVAC Apprentice Textbook, Refrigeration and AC Technology, for brick-and-mortar Apprentice schools. If you need a crosswalk between the Foundation’s 4-year series of HVAC apprentice textbooks and Refrigeration and AC Technology 9th edition, please email Our online HVAC Apprentice courses are still using the Foundation’s four-year HVACR textbook series.

Textbooks are available in both hardcopy and as an ebook through our partnership with Cengage. There is limited availability of the Foundation HVAC textbooks. PHCC Chapters receive a discount.

Please contact for textbook orders :
Christian Roberts, Cengage Account Manager
PHONE: 518.348.2551

The perfect addition to our HVACR textbook series, both mechanical and electrical simulation software is available from Cengage Learning. This software uses gaming technology to allow students to follow more than 100 training scenarios on various equipment.

Learn More

You can purchase access to the simulation training by contacting Cengage Learning.

Mention that you are affiliated with PHCC to learn about possible discounts!

Please use this form to request a formal review of potential errors found in either the textbooks or test banks.

Plumbing 201 6th Edition Errata

This errata is available for the 6th edition of the Plumbing 201 textbook.
Errata Information

Plumbing 301 Updated Blueprints

There has been a publisher error in the Plumbing 301 textbooks. The inside cover of the back of the book contained drawings for an assignment. Certain books came with drawings for a dental office; while others came with drawings for a different office plan. All pertinent drawings (needed for your drawing assignment) are now available to download via a .zip file.
Download Blueprints

Plumbing 301 1st Edition Errata

This errata is available for the 1st edition of the Plumbing 301 textbook.
Errata Information